General Information
In this section, you will find a wealth of information about the Aitken Street Apartments. You will also find guidelines on the usage of common facilities, as well as rules and guidelines to ensure a safe, secure, and enjoyable living experience for everyone.
We are committed to keeping you informed and making it easy for you to stay connected with your property. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to our team.
Contact Update Form
PDF: A document providing a summary guide for living at the property.
PDF - Full Body Corporate Rules
PDF: Complex Fire Evacuation Plan
URL: Web form to notify the Body Corporate when asked to validate FOB.
URL: Web form to supply or update an apartments power meter ICP register
PDF: Operational Information about Apartment Smoke Alarms
PDF: Register of ICP numbers for complex
PDF: Form used to apply to EMP for a new power connection. EMP are the power supplier for all apartments
Policy Notices
PDF: The policy notices give guidance in regard to rules of the Body Corporate. Refer to the Rules for more details.
WiFi Provider
PDF: WiFi provider servicing property.