Sport NZ Facilities Strategy for Athletics NZ
To create a strategy which: Identifies and rationalises ANZ's requirements. Provides the rationale for a long term strategy to meet ANZ's goals and objectives. Creates an inventory of existing faciities and resources to enable a more planned approach to maintenance and improvement. Provides an inventory of current IAAF certified facilities and information on the certification process. Outlines a framework for the implementation of robust maintenance programmes. Supplies information on sport funding bodies. Provides a strategy that aligns with Territorial Authority/Local Authority Long Term Community and Annual Plans.
Sport NZ / Athletics NZ
Report Completed 2010
Consultation with client regarding requirements
Historical and current overview of the sport
Extensive review of all current facilities to provide inventory
Future needs assessment including IAAF requirements
Maintenance requirements
Gap analysis
Assessment of current and proposed regional provision for sports facilties
Development of a process by which maintenance programmes could be included within LTCCPs and capital programmes rationalised
Research into other funding programmes
Strategy development and recommendations including key facility initiatives and their alignment within the relevant LTCCP with rationale for inclusion Implementation guidelines.