Boulevard on Taylor - Blenheim
Seven stage subdivision development.
First stage of 25 lots = $2.2million.
Marlborough District Council.
Project Details
Large subdivision development along Taylor Pass Road bordering the Wither Hills Farm Park south of Blenheim. The development comprises integrated residential, reserves and schools.
Stage One work included:
- Earthworks
- Road widening
- Side ride construction
- Development and construction of large roundabout
- Provision of water, sewer and stormwater landscape works
- 25 lot residential subdivision.
APL's contribution
- Master planning of entire 440 lot development
- Detailed engineering design work including construction plans, specifications and schedule of quantities
- Full resource consent works
- Contract tendering, selection, management and supervision
- Project management, development of project plan, overall running of project
- Ongoing monitoring of quality covenants and settlements.