Wanaka Police Station - Disposal
Disposal of surplus commercial land and buildings under the Public Works Act 1981 for a Government client, Land Information New Zealand (LINZ). Former police station in Wanaka CBD being a unique property in a tightly held commercial center and with significant development potential.
Land Information New Zealand
APL's contribution
As a LINZ Accredited Supplier and contract service provider to LINZ, APL managed the complete disposal process of the property. Our services for this disposal included;
- Completed due diligence investigations and research
- Investigation and compliance with offer back obligations under S.40 Public Works Act 1981
- Clearances from DOC, Heritage NZ & Housing New Zealand
- Compliance with the Crowns Treaty Settlement obligations under the Ngai Tahu Claims Settlement Act 1998.
- Procurement of Real Estate Agents
- Evaluation and management of the sale process
- Management of settlement in conjunction with our Lawyers
The result was a successful and efficient disposal process for the client. Settlement was achieved in a total of ten and a half months from the date the property was declared surplus.