Land Status Reports


Land Status Reports (LSRs) are typically prepared because someone wants to do something with a piece of land, but the ownership and authority for administration of the land is uncertain. If you are uncertain about the ownership or administrative authority of a piece of land, a Land Status Report can provide the clarity you need.


Why Land Status Reports Are Essential

Understanding land status is crucial. Aside from confirming ownership and authority for administration, it can fundamentally affect how land can be acquired, disposed of, and managed. It also determines the types of survey plans or documentation required when dealing with land.

A Land Status Report will research the transaction history of the land, as well as the impact of any legislation, to determine the current status of the land. This includes confirming the existence of trusts, endowments, gifts, and any specific legislation, as well as verifying the underlying ownership of land held under the Reserves Act 1977. Land Status Reports can also assist in identifying land subject to offer back obligations under the Public Works Act 1981.

Even if a public body holds land in a current Record of Title, an LSR can uncover issues not apparent from an inspection of the current title.

Mistakes with land status can lead to a range of adverse outcomes and significant liabilities. For example, mistakes can lead to unforeseen delays in acquisition projects, reputational damage with stakeholders, and potentially large financial liabilities if rights or obligations to third parties, such as offer back obligations, are overlooked in a property disposal.

Thorough Research for Accurate Results

APL Property is a LINZ Accredited Supplier, recognised by Land Information New Zealand for our specialized skills, extensive experience, and rigorous quality assurance systems.

Our research process involves tracing the chain of title through various land records, which may include:

  • Surveys
  • Titles
  • Crown grants
  • Transfers
  • Allocation plans
  • NZ and Provincial Gazette notices
  • Current and historic legislation
  • Records in the Deeds Registration system

For properties with water boundaries, we consider complex common law principles, modified by statute. Key principles include the doctrine of accretion and erosion, and usque ad medium filum aquae (AMF), meaning to the centre line of the river.

We access land records from multiple authoritative sources such as Land Information New Zealand, the Department of Internal Affairs, Archives NZ, and other agencies. Each source has its own systems and protocols for searching and accessing records, ensuring a thorough and reliable Land Status Report.

Contact Us Today for Your Land Status Report requirements

Don't let uncertainty about land ownership and status scupper your property plans. Contact our expert team today to commission a Land Status Report. We provide detailed, accurate and timely reports that give you the information you need to reduce risk and move forward with confidence.





Hong Mei Pang

  [email protected]

  +64 03 451 1220



Jeff Reidy

  [email protected]

  +64 22 1401 894