Marlborough Research Centre (MRC)

Marlborough Research Centre (MRC)

APL assisted a consortium of far-sighted stakeholders to realise their vision of a science-based research centre for agriculture, pastoral, horticultural and viticulture production. The opportunity was to create the MRC on a greenfield site, and the challenge was to ensure it maximises the location’s potential and provides scope for future expansion. The MRC now delivers world-leading innovation, research and technical development and is internationally-recognised for research into sauvignon blanc and pinot noir; two of the region’s best known wines.


  • Hort Research - Lincoln University
  • Nelson/Malborough Institute of Technology (NMIT)
  • Marlborough Research Centre Trust
  • Marlborough Wine Industry






18 months (MTU)

Project Details

Facilites include

  • Winery
  • Office block
  • Laboratory block
  • Presentation theatre
  • Carparking
APL's contribution

APL was the lead project manager with responsibility for concept and costing through to construction and fitout. We consulted with government, industry, academic and private stakeholders at all key stages of the project to ensure the Centre would meet their needs and benefit from their ongoing support.

  • Preliminary design and costing
  • Project-managed design and construction
  • Project-managed fitout of equipment